Weekly post

  • Posted by : Guppy Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

    chord ini dicari sendiri ^^ kalo ada yang kurang mohon sarannya ;) (source: nauraainayyah.blogspot.com)
    C                     G
    If you ever see dear everything
    C                                    G
    That we have been thought another world
    C                        G
    But if I could see and just one thing
    Am  Em F
    If you're melody
    If I were afraid
    A story about you and me
    What it really mean
    I ran out pages
    But if I could right
    For just one moment
    Am  Em  F
    It will be forever
    Am      F      G
    Maybe I felt alone
    C        G       Am
    Maybe I was afraid
    F                Am               G
    To find that you're where is belong
    F           Am          G
    And say the words I later say
    C                      F
    Now I try to remind this feeling
    Who am I kill it
    Who are you giving
    C                            F
    You're the song that I won't stop playing
    Am                     G
    You're the part the keys with feeling
    Am              G
    Singing it all over again
    Am   G     F      Am        G   F
    We got refrain.. You're my refrain..

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